Cause Awareness Marketing – A Facebook Niche?

Scrolling through my personal Facebook news feed is always an interesting experience. On occasion, it is also an eye-opening experience. Cause awareness marketing has become a frequent topic on many pages that I currently follow. In one particular case, there is a support page for Jack Rollins, a 4-year-old little boy from my area who is fighting his battle with Neuroblastoma.


Read the full story here:§ion=News&item=3-Year-Old-Jack-Rollins-Needs-Our-Help-in-His-Battle-with-Cancer7349

The Jack Rollin’s Journey Facebook page is open to those who want to follow his story and send well wishes. It is also used to promote fundraiser events, including a local 5K and restaurant drives. The page has become quite the success for raising awareness and supporting Jack’s family throughout his journey.



See the full Facebook page here:

Cause Awareness Marketing is also effective via Facebook for other organizations, including Alex’s Lemonade Stand. This is another prime example of the success Facebook can bring for promoting a cause and supporting events for funding.


See the full page here:

Read the full story of Alex’s cause here:

Going Social Means Going Viral with a Cause

It’s clear that going social is everything to any type of campaign in today’s world of marketing. Thus, implementing a social media strategy for your cause marketing campaign is essential, according to Lanette Jorgensen of Sage Island. According to her research, Facebook was key in the success of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

“Within twenty-four hours of its launch, you couldn’t scroll through your Facebook news feed without seeing a video of someone pouring a bucket of ice over his or her head,” Jorgensen stated

The social media promotion of this campaign proves that Facebook is a great avenue for going viral and achieving success. Videos were viewed via Facebook more than 10 billion times and reached more than 440 people. The ALS association received $115 million in donations and a tremendous increase in registrations for their Walk to Defeat ALS since the viral Facebook campaign launched.

Essentially, going social is truly going viral, especially when it comes to promoting a cause via Facebook.

Read Jorgensen’s full ALS analysis and other tips for successful cause marketing here:
